This event is supported by the Mount Alexander Shire Council Events Grants Program.
The doors have closed on Rotary Castlemaine’s Art Show for 2024 — officially, Rotary Castlemaine’s 35th Annual Art Exhibition and Sale. The show has been a fixture on the district’s art calendar for many years.
The 2024 show looks to have been a success by any criterion. Congratulations to all participants and winners.
Winner of Best 2D Work, sponsored by Belle Property (presented by Narelle Waller): Brendan Nicholl-Caddell, "Poplars Guildford"
Winner of Best 3D Work, sponsored by Belle Property: "Earth's Beauty Formed From Stone" by Jason Johnston
Best Oil or Acrylic 2D, sponsored by Pyrenees Quarries: "Spring Wattle" by Jane Jones

Best Watercolour 2D, sponsored by Gunangara: "Bendigo Town Hall" by It Hao Pheh

Best Photographic Work, sponsored by Maltby Property: "St Kilda Pier" by Robert Norman

Best Work on Paper, sponsored by Castlemaine Office Supplies: "Veronica" by Linda Schneider

People's Choice: #427 "A Gathering of Friends" by Minyu Xu